Green -- Good
(0 - 50) None
Yellow -- Moderate
(51 - 100) Unusually sensitive people should consider reducing prolonged or heavy exertion.
Orange -- Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
(101 - 150) The following groups should reduce prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion:
- People with heart or lung disease
- Children and older adults
Red -- Unhealthy
(151 - 200) The following groups should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion:
- People with heart or lung disease
- Children and older adults
Everyone else should reduce prolonged or heavy exertion.
Purple -- Very Unhealthy
(201 - 300) The following groups should avoid all physical activity outdoors:
- People with heart or lung disease
- Children and older adults
Everyone else should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion.
Brown -- Hazardous
(over 300) Remain indoors and limit your time outside. Remove yourself from the area if possible. If you have to go out, wear either the correct cartidge respirator or a particulate respirator (looks like a dust mask but has the word "NIOSH" and either "N95" or "P100" printed on it). More mask information from the CA Dept of Public Health is at